Contact o-tools to propose improvements or ask informations
If you have any good idea about a new helpful tool, if you need help or information, if you want notify something, if you have suggestions or advices, please contact us with the following email address:
o-tools@ghiroblu.comIf you want collaborate with us, for example traducing the site content on a new language that we don't have, please contact us with the following email address:
Brady (o-tools concept and creation)
Luna Nera (support)
Kitsune (support)
Cotos Radu (romanian translation)
Tudor Vlad, aka dismental (romanian translation)
Jannik Davidsen (danish translation)
Basilio Cadaval Rodríguez, aka Niedon (spanish translation)
Kevin Bormann (german translation)
Rodrigo (portuguese translation)
Erkan EROĞLU, aka GhosT BusteR (turkish translation)