o-tools - Calculadoras para o Ogame

12-07-2023 - v3.8.0
[feature] enhanced Empire Optimizer in order to support conversion rates lower than 1 (tnx to "Der Dan");
[bugfix] fixed Empire Optimizer in order to support deuterium conversion rate different from 1.05-06-2023 - v3.7.7
[feature] Flights: now an arbitrary speed can be selected and set.04-06-2023 - v3.7.6
[feature] added PayPal donate button (thanks to everyone who asked me to do this).03-06-2023 - v3.7.5
[bugfix] the profile loading function has been fixed (tnx to Diego).26-01-2022 - v3.7.4
[feature] added a new options to the Empire Optimizer in order to exclude Plasma Technology and Astrophysic from the strategy (tnx to Dennis H.).